Get your time back . . . and more.
When organizations replace manual testing with intelligent automation – they get more than high quality application delivery. We recently asked Worksoft customers what they see as the biggest unexpected benefits of test automation.
Companies who automate functional testing do achieve impressive time savings. Thanks to intelligent automation, businesses can absorb more changes to their business processes than they ever thought possible.
Another benefit? One customer said, “With the creativity and flexibility we have with Worksoft, we can go after and test scenarios that previously were very complex manual processes.”
Watch the full video below to learn about all the unexpected benefits of automation.
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“Definitely time. Definitely time away from our analysts because currently we spend about 4,000 hours just in regression testing a year. In some years, we have two rounds of regression testing based on enhancement packs that go through our systems. So being able to free up that time from analysts to work on projects in production support is the hugest benefit that that we were looking for.” “There are so many changes going into our environment, not just software changes – security changes, patches for different servers, and because we’re running every day, we sort of get automatic coverage of that change. Because we’re running continuously we just say, “Hey, put those changes into our environment, and we’ll let you know if anything breaks.” It’s sort of a side benefit of the fact that we have a lot automated and we’re running it frequently. We can absorb more changes than we ever thought we could before.” “The most unexpected benefit of automation was being able to use it to generate emails from Gmail to simulate load for our CRM system, or some other creative ways. We found that we have been able to be very creative with Worksoft.”
“Instead of having to create a purchase order that has 250 lines in it by hand, we can just do it by automation and let that run while we do something else. A year ago, you had to do the 250 lines by hand - so it took a while. Now, with automation running on one machine, we can go on another and wait for that to finish and you’re all set.”
“Well, actually the biggest benefit that we’ve seen is the fact we’ve gotten it down to we’re able to run our automation suite in about a day. We get 80 percent throughput in one day and sometimes it’s before the regression week even starts.”
“Just with the creativity that we have with the product and the flexibility of it – We can go after and test scenarios that previously were very complex manual processes. The fact that we can really streamline that whole process and build the end-to-end scenarios -- very robust capabilities and product.”
“In one of the projects there was a requirement that millions of records flow from one system to another system. We were able to automate that -- and that was something which was humanly impossible. We were not expecting that.”
“Our team is being really more accepted now in the new agile methodology -- and the rest of the teams are aware that we are doing automation to help them. So the acceptance between the other squads is really good right now.
“Data generation is kind of a repetitive activity where we get involved and spend a lot of time, but with automation, I would say data generation has become really easier because we can generate hundreds of records without having anyone even looking at the screen. That’s something which looks like the power of automation where we do get the time back, as well as we see the testing times getting smaller and smaller.”
“It gives more accurate results to the business team -- which has personally gained a lot of recognition for our organization.”Hide video transcript
Since test automation saves thousands of staff hours and gives people their time back, what are they doing with that extra time?
According to our customers, elimination of manual testing opens the door to an array of innovative, productive activity.
One customer said, “We’re really saving our functional analysts time by using test automation instead of manual test execution, and they’re able to spend their time supporting projects so we can deliver faster.” In addition to faster project execution, Worksoft customers use their automation time savings to integrate newly acquired companies, troubleshoot for production, and more.
Flawless project delivery is the goal for many CIOs, but they often find that the money runs out before their long list of projects is complete. That’s where the power of test automation shines. It allows you to tackle more projects in less time with the same staff and budget! As you can see in the below video, organizations see this everyday with the power of automation.
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“A lot of us are not having to spend time on maintenance so we’re now all of us are on agile teams working as the QA Lead on those agile teams, 100 percent.” “Now that we don’t have people manually testing like we used to day after day, we can spend more time focused on the business directives for our software." “We’re really saving our functional analysts time by using automation instead of manual test execution, and they’re able to spend their time supporting projects so we can deliver more projects back to the business faster.”
“Spending less time on testing and more time on integrating our new companies that we’re acquiring into our core products.”
“We are already starting multiple projects in different areas in different countries for the time saved now.”
“We are going ahead and giving the manual testers the ability to test new systems. They’re already on the next release while we are regressioning the previous release, so that’s the time back to our users and our testers.”
“Time. You can focus in the areas which really require attention.”
“More time analyzing for projects. Troubleshooting for production support mainly is a big one for our company.”
“It helps me to support other unplanned and parallel projects.”
“They can focus on new requirements and the next iteration.”
“There are several activities that our team members engage in for doing regression testing, and it requires a lot of laborious work. We were able to automate that and give the time back to them, so that they can focus on more intelligent testing, which is required and which is more focused on the changes.”
“I would say we can explore more other projects as well. Like previously we were doing SAP projects. Now since we have established a lot so we go to other research projects and web-based applications. We spend a lot of time on other projects.”
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